Capital Planning


Its not just sweat, brick and mortar that builds new or renovates existing facilities. Its capital support from the State of Maryland.

Facilities Management’s Director for Planning coordinates UMBC’s capital budget process by preparing capital budget submissions, preliminary budget estimates, and briefing materials for annual budget hearings. These documents along with facility programs support and justify the campus’ capital budget requests for new buildings, major building renovations, utility system upgrades, and site renewals.

15365157700_2e9125f82e_kCapital planning typically requires resubmission of project requests over a number of years before success is achieved in receiving approval of capital funds.

Capital Budget Cycle


Capital project funding requests are submitted to the University System of Maryland’s Board of Regents and the State of Maryland each year.

Summary of FY2022 Capital Budget as Enacted

Click here for a link to the State’s Authorized Capital Budgets for additional years.