Our planning staff work closely with clients to identify the primary goals and objectives of their project, define their specific needs, and develop potential solutions.
Pre-design activities vary but typically focus on assessment of existing conditions, site evaluation, analysis of space and/or utility needs, development of conceptual design scenarios, definition of the scope of work, determination of costs, development of potential completion schedules, and reconciliation of needs and resources.
Facility Programs
For large building renovations, new buildings, and major site improvement projects, the development of a comprehensive facility program document will be required. The typical process extends over a period of six to twelve months and may engage a large number of campus constituents. For more information on this process, see this guide. Primer on Facility Programs.
Feasibility Studies
A preliminary analysis which evaluates in detail a project’s technical design, its costs and benefits, institutional and environmental impacts, and funding requirements. The feasibility study is used to evaluate the potential of the proposed project and guide campus decision makers.
Land Use Plans
Land use plans may be required to support the selection of an appropriate site for a proposed new building or a broader evaluation of appropriate land use for the entire campus. Land use planning is integral to creating a beautiful, sustainable and active campus. Facilities Management strives to implement sound land use planning in all decisions to further the University Mission and to make UMBC a vibrant live-work-learn community.
Below is a planning diagram to support the Facility Program for the proposed Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building (ILSB) highlighting important pedestrian and vehicular movement through the site, and a conceptual site plan that was created by a consultant team, in response to the diagram.