The two-story Center for Well-Being replaces the deteriorating Student Development and Success Center (SDSC), providing space for both the Counseling Center and University Health Services to expand their outreach, services, and mission. It also provides a new home for the offices of Student Conduct and Community Standards, while providing enhanced facilities for Spirituality and Meditation. The Center for Well-Being is the result of an integrative approach to mental and physical wellbeing.
The new facility communicates symbolically the importance of health and well-being, especially mental health, through building location, architectural expression, and functional layout of interior spaces. With this project, the university has accomplished its goals:
- co-locate campus health services and counseling into the same building
- move units out of the deteriorating Student Development and Success Center
- provide convenient access to health and wellbeing services to residential and non-residential students
- locate the new facility near existing residential communities, but not within them

The main entrance to the building is off of Center Road. Upon entering the building a visitor is greeted with a generous waiting area, partially two levels high. Seating areas and shared meeting rooms are located directly off of the lobby, along with Health Promotions, Spirituality and Meditation, and the offices and meeting areas of Student Conduct and Community Standards. A large open stair leads up from the lobby to the second level. The First Floor Plan highlights the shared facilities and spaces in shades of grey.
The Center for Well-Being co-locates Counseling and Health Services on the second floor, allowing them to share check-in, waiting, records, and check-out. The Second Floor Plan highlights the organization of these functions and the shared shared facilities in blue.
To speed construction and reduce the impact to the current occupants of the Student Development and Success Center, the majority of the building will be built off-site, disassembled, shipped to campus, and reassembled on its final site. This reduces the on-campus construction to seven months and delivers a superior product at a lower cost than typical full on-site construction.
The project opened in August of 2021.