Stadium Complex Access Improvements & Stream Restoration
Start of Construction & Campus Impacts
Facilities Management is pleased to announce that construction activities related to the stream restoration and UMBC Stadium Complex access improvements will begin on Monday, September 13th, 2021. The project consists of improvements to portions of a tributary of the West Branch of Herbert Run, general landscape improvements and new accessible walkway and pedestrian bridge between Hilltop Circle and the UMBC Stadium Complex. The project completion is expected summer 2022.
Construction fencing will be installed around the construction area for the duration of the project. The fencing will impact access to the stadium through existing pedestrian walkways and tunnel at Hilltop Circle. Access to the stadium from Hilltop Circle will be maintained via the walkway adjacent to the Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena for the duration of the project. Pedestrian access to the bwtech Research Park will be maintained via the existing pedestrian bridge near CERA pond.
Construction vehicle entrances from Hilltop Circle will require closure of a handful of parking spaces along the outer loop of Hilltop Circle. Portions of sidewalk at the construction vehicle entrances will also need to be closed for the duration of construction. Signage will direct pedestrians around these closures, via accessible routes. Any changes or additional information will be communicated through the myUMBC Facility Management Group and other appropriate methods.
Please see the attached diagram depicting the extents of the work and impacts to campus described above. Visit the Facilities Management website for additional information about this and other University projects.
Accessibility is part of the design process, and we work in partnership with Accessibility and Disability Services which supports faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities. If you have a concern about accessibility, or want to inquire about a disability-based accommodation, please do so through their website.
Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain and enhance the UMBC campus.
Facilities Management
Posted: August 31, 2021, 5:00 PM