Administration Parking Garage Repairs
Beginning on Monday, July 8, 2024 through Friday, August 16, 2024, the Administration Drive Parking Garage will be partially closed to complete maintenance repairs. The partial closure will be carried out in Two Phases as shown on the attached graphic.
Phase 1 - Monday, July 8, 2024 through Sunday, July 28, 2024 the western half of the Administration Parking Garage top and bottom as well as the vehicular entrance from the circle will be closed. Access to the upper garage during Phase 1 will be provided by the ramp access on the eastern end of the garage. The President’s Office visitor parking spaces and the ADA parking spaces will be temporarily relocated to the eastern half of the parking garage as illustrated on the graphic. ADA signage will be posted to designate the ADA parking areas. Lower garage access is not changed during Phase 1 and the western half of the lower level parking area will be closed for construction. Parking on the lower garage will be available on the eastern end only during Phase 1. Signage and barricades will separate the available parking from the construction areas.
Phase 2 - Monday, July 29, 2024 until end of day on Friday, August 16, 2024 the eastern half of the parking garage top and bottom levels and the ramp entrance to the upper garage will be closed. Access to the upper garage area will be restored to the circle as well as the original ADA and presidents office visitors parking spaces will also be restored to original locations. Lower level entrance will still be open during Phase 2 but parking on the lower level will be limited. Signage and construction barricades will be utilized to separate parking area from the areas under construction.
Access Signage will be provided around the impacted areas concerning the parking area, pedestrian and ADA access. Please refer to the accompanying graphic for additional information.
Accessibility is part of the design process, and we work in partnership with Accessibility and Disability Services which supports faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities. If you have a concern about accessibility or want to inquire about a disability-based accommodation, please do so through their website.
Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain and enhance the UMBC campus.
Posted: July 3, 2024, 9:06 AM