New Campus Entrance: Updated Traffic and Pedestrian Patterns
A message from Rusty Postlewate, Facilities Management
After more than a year of planning and construction, we are pleased to announce the Campus Entrance project is nearly complete. The pick-up and drop-off circle with access to Administration Garage is now open, and the new UMBC Blvd. entrance and exit traffic circles and pathways are fully operational. We encourage the campus community to begin using these new spaces and routes.
As you return to campus from your summer break, please be aware of significant changes in traffic and pedestrian patterns. In the interest of safety, we ask that you pay particular attention to signage and right-of-way when entering and leaving campus.
Additional work on the campus entrance will take place through September and early October, where crews will finish the remainder of walkways, plantings, and fixtures and permanent signage.
This project has had a substantial impact on our campus community throughout its construction, and we thank all of you for your patience and flexibility during the development of a new Campus Entrance that reflects the growth, innovation, and creativity of our university.
As always, we encourage you to follow our myUMBC group to receive news and updates and stay apprised of how construction projects across campus may impact you.
Posted: August 26, 2015, 12:24 PM