Summer 2017 Construction Update
Summer 2017 Construction Update
Over the next few weeks, several summer construction projects will be taking place on campus, which may impact pedestrian pathways and access to buildings. As always, be sure to follow directional signage at the construction site in order to navigate around these minor disruptions safely and effectively. Details of each project are below.
Biology Breezeway and University Center Reparations
During the remainder of the month of June, crews will be working to resolve water intrusion issues at the Biology breezeway. The Breezeway between main campus and The Commons will remain closed through the end of June while work is completed. Please follow posted detour signage for access to the Biology building and surrounding campus buildings.
Beginning in late June, the walkway between UC and the Meyerhoff Chemistry building will be closed while crews work to renovate the pathway for improved stormwater drainage. Signs will be posted to direct pedestrians to alternative routes. Work is scheduled for completion by the second week of July.
Library Pond Test Wells
Beginning Monday, June 19 and continuing through the week of June 26, test wells will be installed to monitor ground water levels around the pond. Drilling of one well will require equipment operating on the sidewalk in front of the pond. Safety devices and signs will be placed around the activity area to guide pedestrians.
Please visit our detailed 2017 Construction Activity Map for more information about ongoing and upcoming campus projects. Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements to the UMBC campus.
Posted: June 16, 2017, 3:35 PM