Health Services and Counseling Building
Start of Construction & Campus Impacts
Facilities Management is pleased to announce that on-site construction activities for the Health Services & Counseling Building will commence on January 4th, 2021. Construction fencing will be constructed between Center Road, Chesapeake and Susquehanna Halls. Shortly thereafter, the Student Development & Success Center will be demolished to make way for the new building, which will house University Health Services, Counseling Center, Student Conduct & Community Standards and facilities for Spirituality & Meditation. The construction will have minor impacts on pedestrian routes including the sidewalk between Center Road and True Grit's. Signage directing pedestrians to nearby accessible routes will be provided. Some parking along Center Road and Lot 11 will also be impacted. Vehicular routes will not be impacted as Center Road will remain open for the duration of construction. Construction activities will continue through summer 2021 with the Health Services & Counseling Building scheduled to open prior to the fall 2021 semester. Any changes or additional information will be communicated through the myUMBC Facility Management Group and other appropriate methods.
Please see the attached diagram depicting the extents of the work and impacts to campus described above. Visit the Facilities Management website for additional information about this and other University projects.
Accessibility is part of the design process, and we work in partnership with Accessibility and Disability Services which supports faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities. If you have a concern about accessibility, or want to inquire about a disability-based accommodation, please do so through their website.
Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain and enhance the UMBC campus.
Facilities Management
Posted: December 17, 2020, 9:50 AM