Updated Fence Lines for ILSB Construction Project
(as of May/June 2018)
Early in the summer of 2018, a number or changes will be made to the ILSB construction fence line, which will improve vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the immediate area. Work will be completed in the area between the Commons and Physics building as well as between the Biology ans Math/Psych buildings. These areas, which include new sidewalks and landscaping, will be permanently opened to pedestrians in early June. Minor adjustments will be made to the walkway between the Commons building and the Commons garage to allow for the construction fence line to be expanded slightly. The temporary walkway on the east side of the Physics building, which is no longer necessary, will be removed and the area landscaped.
Pedestrian connections between critical campus facilities such as The Commons, Commons Garage, academic and residential cores will be maintained at all times.
Deliveries to the Commons loading dock will continue.
The attached diagram illustrates the extent of the fence line and temporary pedestrian routes.
Accessibility is part of the design process, and we work in partnership Accessibility and Disability Services which supports faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities. If you have a concern about accessibility, or want to inquire about a disability-based accommodation, please do so through their website.
Posted: May 24, 2018, 2:29 PM